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marine debris works

medusa | 2024

26' x 10' 3" x 8'

Commissioned by the Whaling Museum and Education Center at Cold Spring Harbor

traffic cone, beach toys, marine rope, lighters, mylar balloons, straws, red solo cups, sports equipment, bottles, food wrappers, fishing tags, caution tape, children's toys, misc. plastic pieces, and more. 

hemingway | 2024

103 x 42"

vintage fishing rods, sail material, rope, air filter, netting, paint splattered tarp. 

lost at sea | 2024

36 x 36 x 8"

derelict sandbags, rope, netting, sail material, soft marine plastics.

yeah, i'm on the spectrum | 2024

series of 13 x 13" works 

rope, netting, soft marine plastics, etc.

what's inside the osprey nest? | 2023

40" x 65"

Funding provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program. Watch Hill, Fire Island National Seashore.

recovered boat piling, plastics recovered from a toppled osprey nest, rope, single-use plastics, fishing gear, aquaculture matting, assorted plastics

sugar aka mama shug | 2023

50" x 13.5'

Jury-selected commission by the  National Parks Service, Center for Coastal Studies and Cape Cod National Seashore with support from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program, Herring Cove Beach | Cape Cod National Seashore, MA

steel armature, rope, single-use plastics, swim goggles, fishing gear, aquaculture matting, assorted plastics

corazon valiente | 2022

rope, netting, fishing tags, sandbags, lobster traps, bouys, steel armature, plastic bits

36" x 37" x 98"

crossings series | 2022 - 2023

rope, netting, fishing tags, sandbags, plastic bits

fish | 2020-2022

marine debris

135" x 72" x 72"

pieces of you - much ado about something | 2019

permanently on display at Arcadia Earth - Manhattan, New York

vintage aeroplane safety cover, fiberoptics, and miscellaneous plastics

delia | 2018

permanent commission by the 1 Hotel in South Beach - Miami, Florida
steel armature, tugboat tow line, painting tarp, bait bag, grain sack, carpeting, bottle caps, plastic bottles, lighters, straws, ball, pregnancy test, baby spoon, filter, razor handle, shower curtain ring, misc. plastics

111" x 60" x 48" 

wishing whale | 2018

84" x 84"

Cornell Cooperative Extension Education Center - Tiana Bayside Facility, Hampton Bays, NY
derelict lobster traps, marine ropes, and plastic mini bottles containing messages from the community

tammy | 2018

tampons, rope, monofilament, marine debris

14" x 13" x 26"

is the party over yet? | 2018

vintage aeroplane safety cover, ighters, rope, children's toys, marine debris

72" x 84" x 84"

roaming the sea | 2016

Commissioned by Overseas Chinese Town Group (OCT) - Shenzhen, China
steel, plastic bottles, marine rope, & netting

birds | 2015 - 2018

marine debris

herman | 2012

marine debris

87" x 60"

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